Organic Dandelion Root
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Organic Dandelion Root

  • Organic Dandelion Root Powder :80-100 Mesh along with Eurofins Pesticide Testing Report
  • Organic Dandelion Root HerbalTeabag Cut
  • Organic Dandelion Root whole 
  • 100% Pure Dandelion Root and Leaf
  • Certificate :ISO9001
  • Non-GMO, Non-irradiation, Allergen Free, BSE/TSE Free
  • Free Sample :200 g
  • Available quantity :30 tons per year
  • 100% Natural Chinese Herb Medicine Dried Dandelion Root Slices ,Cut and Powder
  • Organic Products 066

  • NatureChoice

  • 066

English Name: Organic Dandelion Root

Chinese Name: Pugongyinggen

Latin Name: Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz

Specification :

   100% Natural Chinese Herb Medicine Dried Dandelion Root Slices ,Cut and Powder

   Cut: 0.3cm 0.5cm 0.8cm (Roasted or not Roasted)

   Moisture : <12%

   Impurity: <1%

   Ash: <5%

    Powder: 80-100mesh

Original place: Jilin,Heilongjiang,Shanxi China

Active Ingredients: Taraxacin Taraxol Flavonoids Flavone

Part Used:  Root

Color:     Brown

Package:   Double Plastic bag or Carton; Dandelion Root Powder :25kg/drum or 20kg/Carton

Storage: Keep in cool &dry place

Applications: Pharmaceutical Cosmetics Herbal Tea bag

Organic Dandelion root buy -NATURECHOICE

Organic Dandelion Root Powder testing report 1 (2).pdf

Organic Dandelion Root Powder testing report 1 (1).pdf

Organic Dandelion Extract Function:

Dandelion Root is used to treat liver and gallbladder obstructions, improve liver function, promote bile production and as a diuretic.

1)Correcting Liver Function: inflammation and congestion of liver.Dandelion root extract is also used in the early stages of liver cirrhosis such as alcoholic cirrhosis.

Dandelion root extract stimulates bile production, and helps the body get rid of excess water produced by the diseased liver.Dandelion root extract successfully treats hepatitis, liver swelling, jaundice and indigestion in those with inadequate bile secretion.

2)Cholagogue Function:Dandelion root extract, flavonoids can double the flow of bile. Its cholagogue effect is useful for liver and gall bladder inflammation , eliminate gallstones and congestion, as well as jaundiced states.

3)Diuretic Function: Dandelion leaves is a powerful diuretic. Unlike many conventional diuretics, dandelion leaves do not leach potassium from the body. In fact, the leaves of  dandelion extract are so rich in this mineral that they function as a potassium supplement. This diuretic action is responsible for the dandelion's use as a treatment for high blood pressure.

Studies showed that dandelion is an effective treatment for hepatitis and swelling of the liver. Another German study proved that dandelion root helped alleviate jaundice and reduce gallstones. Newer research shows that dandelion root protects the liver against some harmful toxins, such as carbon tetrachloride, which is used in some cleaning products and building materials.

Dandelion root has been traditionally used in the treatment of liver disorders like jaundice, and increasing amounts of research support this use. Some health professionals recommend dandelion root tea for people taking antidepressant medications, since these drugs can impede the liver’s detoxification pathways. Research in the Journal of Medicinal Food shows that dandelion also helps protect the liver against damage from other drugs, including painkillers like acetaminophen.

How to use the Dandelion root ?

Dandelion Root teabag-NatureChoice

1)If you plan to use the root to give your liver a boost, a typical dose is 500 to 2,000 mg of dandelion root in capsule or tea form, taken daily for two weeks.

2)Dandelion greens benefit both the urinary tract and liver, while the root works primarily on the liver. Most of the studies on the effectiveness of dandelion use dandelion root tinctures or dandelion root or leaf tea. In my experience, tinctures tend to be more potent than tea.

3)Dandelion root is also available commercially in powdered or capsule form. You can make a decoction using two teaspoons of powdered dandelion root per cup of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for forty-five minutes. Make a large enough batch of tea to ensure that it won’t just evaporate during the cooking time. Drink one cup of the dandelion root tea three times daily. Another option is to take one teaspoon of alcohol-based dandelion tincture three times daily.
